SpotEye Agroinformation

Union of technology and intelligence for agribusiness security.


A tool designed to perform agricultural monitoring and crop monitoring, allowing service providers in the agribusiness production chain to monitor and remotely evaluate the productive performance of agricultural properties, ensuring greater reliability and improved planning in the financial processes of credit, financing or costing agricultural.



The SpotEye platform is made up of technological solutions that make it possible to register and monitor agricultural areas of interest. Allowing, from this moment, to carry out a previous analysis of land use and cover, in addition to assessing the vegetative development of agricultural crops of the current harvest. SpotEye performs analyzes based on several sources of agroinformation, from data on public bases to remote monitoring via satellite, for the extraction of vegetation indices to estimates and forecasts of productivity by culture.

Safety and risk mitigation with Environmental Compliance

Among the various procedures and policies for adapting to environmental legislation, Environmental Compliance is one of the most robust and secure mechanisms for reducing risks in agribusiness financial operations. SpotEye provides environmental compliance studies and analyzes for preventive planning and financial risk management in agricultural areas. We identify for our customers the best business opportunities, based on environmental risk.

Blockchain agribusiness transparency

Transparency in contractual operations is extremely important, every day new systems and billions of transactions are created, demanding guarantee and reliability of operations. SpotEye has decentralized applications for generating contracts and reports using Blockchain technology, allowing agility and transparency of transactions with the tokenization of assets. In addition, our solution performs automated validations, enabling the processing of large volumes of data.